Featured Resource

SEADAE's Customized Arts Learning (CAL) toolkit supports personalized learning in arts education and promotes strengths-based instructional practice. The CAL toolkit is intended to provide educators with resources to support the needs of various student populations, thus addressing gaps that impair learning. CAL focuses on connections through arts learning as a bridge to academic learning and interpersonal development.


About Us

State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) consists of those persons at state education agencies whose responsibility is education in the arts.

SEADAE was incorporated in 2005 and granted 501(c)3 status in 2006 to develop a nationwide infrastructure of arts education peers in state departments of education. Membership is open to those persons designated by State Departments of Education as responsible for overseeing arts education policy (dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts) within their state. 


171 Madison Avenue, Suite 200
New York, NY 10016
